The working group is made up of:

Rosa Romano (scientific director of the research)

Architect, PhD and Associate Professor at the DiDA Department of the University of Florence (Italy). Her research focuses on the themes of bioecological architecture and innovative technologies for the environment, with particular attention to the management of complex building processes.

Roberto Bologna

Architect (1986) and P.hD (1993). Full Professor (2011) of Architectural Technology at DIDA, University of Florence and director of the TESIS Inter-university Research Center. His research activities concern systems and technologies for health, social, and educational buildings, with specific insights concerning technological innovation for the built environment.

Paola Gallo

Associate professor at the University of Florence, where she participates in national and international research projects in specific programs in the energy and environment sector. She also carries out teaching and consultancy activities concerning the topics of Environmental Sustainability, Energy Saving, and Energy Evaluation of buildings.

Antonia Sore

Architect and Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture. Her research focuses on sustainable development and design, with particular attention to the themes of urban transformations in relation to climate change, health, mobility and circular economy. She has acquired numerous experiences abroad, working in multidisciplinary teams with particular reference to the practices of new processes and approaches to integrated sustainable design.

Eleonora Di Monte 

Research fellow at the University of Florence, after graduating in Building Engineering-Architecture and qualifying as an engineer, she began her freelance profession and, at the same time, obtained the II level Master's degree with honors at the ABITA Center in "Bioecological Architecture and Technological Innovation for the Environment" .Thanks to her studies and professional practice, she deepened the issues related to architecture sustainability, buildings' energy efficiency, and bioclimatic and dynamic energy simulation for evaluating design choices.

Trainees and undergraduates

Leonardo Bernini

Last update



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