Step 1 - Definition of system requirements

OO1 aims to draft a preliminary investigation framework and define the envelope and system components requirements that can be integrated into the nZEM module, which allows the definition of the performance, functional, physical-technical, mechanical, and energy characteristics. To achieve this goal, opaque and transparent vertical and horizontal closing systems, already present on the market and with performance characteristics similar to those to be obtained with the nZEM system, are analyzed to evaluate the degree of innovation to aim for. The  field of investigation is limited to the following typologies: residential, tertiary, school building, hospital building, etc.

OO1, coinciding with phase 1, is divided into the following activities:

  1. Technical project management
  2. Dissemination
  3. Analysis of the possible contexts of use of the nZEM housing module
  4. Functional, thermohygrometric, and operational requirements of the nZEM housing module
  5. Requirements and integration strategies of nZEM components (energy, plant engineering, environmental, technological, and architectural)

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